Friday, September 13, 2013

How does a woman decide?

We, and I say "we" to include myself, as women whose natural instincts are to provide and protect have responsibilities far beyond our own realization.

We protect our families, especially our children.  From infant to adulthood we will do everything in our power to insure our children are safe.  When they are learning to walk, we hover over them.  We make sure they are dressed appropriately to insure they are comfortable.  We feed them healthy foods and attempt to keep them germ free to insure they do not get sick.  Whoever might take care of our children in the event we must leave them is scrutinized to the tenth degree to insure the child’s well being.  We teach them, we love them and we send them off to school insuring they have everything they will need.  Then, we worry.  We hope the other children treat them kind.  We hope they remember all the manners they have been taught.  We hope they do not misbehave.  We hope they learn quickly, can see the chalkboard, make friends and respect the teacher.  After all of this, we go to work to earn money to pay the bills.

We provide for our families.  Many households are dependent on two incomes.  Mortgages, utilities, childcare, tuitions and grocery bills add up quickly.  Single mothers face challenges and must overcome obstacles every day.
  Sometimes, our lives move so fast we don’t have time to think.  We don’t think about what might happen.  We are so busy concentrating on our lives as they are, and not on what they could be.  What if something happened to the mother?  The mother who protects and provides for the children? 

Although many of us do not like to think about what would happen to our children in the event we were not here, just as we protect our children, we should consider protecting our salaries.  One way to do this is with life insurance.  Imagine the security in knowing your childcare, mortgage, tuition and other expenses would still be covered even if something happened to you.  Imagine your significant other having to come up with extra cash to pay for a funeral.  Your family would not have this burden or the hardship of losing your income if you provide them with life insurance.  Of course the laundry, housekeeping, taxi service and tutor would be sorely missed, but nevertheless not worrying about expenses would certainly help the situation and perhaps with the correct amount of insurance, these chores may even be able to be provided.

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month so this is the perfect time to stress the importance of life insurance for women.  Think of it this way; if you have dependents living on your income, you need life insurance to protect them.

Royal Neighbors of America is one of the largest women-led life insurance companies in the nation.  Life insurance studies show most women are underinsured.  Do you think you need life insurance?  Ask yourself these questions:

1.            How much will it cost to pay off my debts?
2.            What are my ongoing expenses?
3.            How would my family pay for bills I currently pay?
4.            Is there money in the budget for a funeral expense (which incidentally is                       approximately $7,000.00)?

I’m guessing you’re probably thinking about obtaining life insurance now.  Royal Neighbors of America can help you.  How do you know how much insurance you should obtain?  A Life Insurance Calculator provided by this fine company provides you with valuable information when considering for life insurance.

Royal Neighbors of America is a different kind of insurance company with philanthropic efforts.  Headquartered in Rock Island, Illinois, they have 200,000 members with a branch office in Mesa, Arizona.  They provide life insurance with a difference dedicated to changing women’s lives through their national programs which includes the Nation of Neighbors SM Program and the Royal Neighbors Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity.  This organization offers insurance products to meet all financial needs with members receiving valuable benefits and the ability to make a difference in their communities while participating in volunteer activities.  Women need life insurance and what better place to get it than from a women-led life insurance company.

It doesn’t stop here.   We also worry about our adult children.  Are our daughters insured?  Decisions, worry, protect and provide.  How does a woman decide?

Full Disclosure:  I am participating in a Vibrant Influencer Network campaign for Royal Neighbors of America.  I am receiving a fee for posting; however, the opinions expressed in this post are my own.  I am in no way affiliated with Royal Neighbors of America and do not earn a commission or percent of sales.

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