Everyday is a new day and a day to learn something.... That's what I always say! So, with this in mind I was wondering about transparent and translucent. Exactly what is the difference? Not that I use these words very often, and I really can't even tell you why this popped into my head, however, after looking them up at my trusty dictionary.com I learned something new today. This is what it said:
"1. clear, pellucid, limpid, crystalline. Transparent, translucent agree in describing material that light rays can pass through. That which is transparent allows objects to be seen clearly through it: Clear water is transparent. That which is translucent allows light to pass through, diffusing it, however, so that objects beyond are not distinctly seen: Ground glass is translucent. "
Clear as mud right? No pun intended!
Also, while at my husband's "Over 50 Softball" game last evening (my social outlet of the week) the wives were taking their usual place on the bleachers "watching the game" and discussing important things in life ~HA~ and I learned another something new. Horses have condition they can get called colic, referred to as, "the horse colicked" (could not find a past tense spelling because I do not believe it is a verb). This is a spasm or obstruction in their intestine.
Now, one more thing learned.... this was at the bar while attending the "after party" of the Over 50 Softball game. Babies, when delivering au natural, should arrive face down! Obviously, I felt inadequate in that I should know this because I have delivered two children. So, when the shocked look on my face told the wife/friend that was giving me this newly learned fact that I did not know this.... she responded with, "well how would you know.... you couldn't see!" Oh, I felt much better!
Have a great day and learn something new today.... then blog it!
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