Thursday, December 20, 2012

What will they be when they grow up?

Future Animal Trainer
During the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, one of our little darlings was struck with a cold/fever and unable to go to school. Welcoming the break of shopping, baking, decorating, and entertaining we gladly took the responsibility of caring for her for the day. Little did we know we would receive valuable information about our sweet Granddaughter #4 and her chosen career path.

While eating lunch the other day we had a conversation about school. The knowledgeable 5-year-old informed us she was going to go to 1st grade, 2nd etc. proudly counting all the way through 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade and then she was going to go to High School. Being the Grandmama and feeling the need once again to explain, I informed her of the nation’s education system. I explained high school IS 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade and after high school you go to college. Enter the career counseling conversation.

"Do I have to go to college?" She asked. My first reaction, and what instinctively came out of my mouth was, “Yes.”

"But what if I don't want to?" Not wanting to discourage her I decided it was the perfect time to have the discussion about what she wanted to be when she grows up. Besides, I needed some writing material.

She told us she wants to be an animal trainer.  Hmmmm. "What kind of animals?" We asked.

"All kinds. You know, dogs, cats, birds."  "Alright," I replied, "Then you will probably have to go to college to learn how to do that."

Fearing he might have to look at one, it was Pops that asked her about training a snake. "I can train a snake." She said with confidence. And here’s how it goes...

"Just what would you train a snake to do?" asked curious Grandmama.

"I would train it to stay away from me!!" she replied with the same confidence as usual.

Yep, I wonder at which college she will teach!

So, here’s hoping you enjoyed this story as much as we did and had a nice little break from your Christmas activities. May you all have a delightfully Merry Christmas along with a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!!